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Tuesday 30 December 2008

Moral Dilemma

After living life for a while, awkward situations get easier. Or easier to handle at least. For example, you develop skin thick enough to take criticism (of the non-constructive kind), or have the wisdom to say No to seeing someone again because your incompatible as people but have great sex.

When I started work there was inevitably going to be a wide array of awkward situations that I will find new and difficult to deal with. One of them just hit me in the face.

My office is about 3 doors down from the office of one of the main partners in the Corporate Finance department. He's about 65, very pleasant, and I've worked with him on several smallish matters. When he found out I was from the middle east, he told me how he'd spent years in Dubai working for the this law firm.

On the 23rd of December before heading off for Christmas he came into my office and asked if I would like to have "supper" with him on the 30th. The invitation was very kind, and I said yes.

Today, as I am at work, I start getting nervous. Does he think this is a date? I noticed he does not wear a wedding ring. He comes into my office on random occasions to discuss his trips, tennis, the like. On one hand, being probably the most junior person in my department, I'm flattered by the interest but on the other hand I'm terrified by the possibility that he sees this in any way as romantic.

He's a very pleasant person and I have no reason to not give him the benefit of the doubt. As my friend also pointed out, it wouldn't hurt my career to be friendly back. But at the same time, I'm afraid I'm going to be labelled as Whora Flynn Boyle.

The "supper" is tonight in a very nice restaurant in Mayfair. God help me, I have to go home and pack for Brussels tomorrow!