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Thursday 11 December 2008

How Stella Got Her Party Groove Back

When S said he was visiting me in London for a week, I instantly felt anticipation. S, one of the most fabulous Cairenes I know who I've incessantly and extravagantly partied with every time we found each other in the same country, is in his own way a legend. His visit lived up to its mighty expectations.

Friday night I came home from work to beautiful flowers, a birthday card, and organic Eastern inspired accessories. With no delay the iPod was thrown into full blast as we prepared for our first night in London together.

First, dinner at I's gorgeous North London flat. After champagne, delicious food, and exotic indian furniture the cab picked us up and made its way to the Shadow Lounge. "Only 2 hours" we kept saying to ourselves, but that really turned into 3. The music was good, and the alcohol kept flowing, I was trying to make sure it wasn't too crazy a night so that tomorrow we still have energy for more. At 3am we walked over to Low-Profile for more clubbing, and from there we ended up at Ghetto, which true to its name had us screaming all the way back to my flat (in a rickshaw!).

Saturday, after getting restless sleep, we got up to have some brunch and hit the liquor stores - we had planned a birthday celebration at the flat and we were to make sure it was well supplied. The first guests started arriving at 7pm, but an explosion of 25 or so guests took place at around 9.30-10. Blondi & Kaki, beautiful girls that went to high school with me, were there. So were a bunch of Palestinian bankers living in London, who made frequent visits into my bathroom en mass. "I'm dreaming of a 'white' christmas" said one of them sarcastically as he put his nostril to a rolled up £20 note. Meanwhile, the bubbles were flowing in the living room as people got up to dance. The hour was, however, approaching midnight and there was no way we were spending the whole evening at home.

A fleet of cabs took a chunk of us to the Shadow Lounge (again!). The music was 3 times better, the crowd beautiful. Blondi and Kaki dominated the pole, whereas S himself was getting a lot of interest from tall Irish farmers and nicotine addicts. I went out for a smoke, the first in years. Later, I had some 'snow' myself. The beat was hotter, the colours brighter.

At 3.30, we went to have dinner at Balans with SM, and Blondie. After munching on chicken salad, S decided it was time to hit the gay sauna near my flat. Having never realised one existed so close, and since it was his only weekend here, I obliged. An hour after hanging out with perverts, I decided I'd go home and clean up. It was dawn, and I could not get any sleep anyway. I lay in bed sleepless, probably because of what I'd snorted. I went to have lunch with my father and quickly returned home because it was Sunday - Rapido night.

At 7pm we were making our way into the fabulous Koko Theatre for Amsterdam's most famous party.

Dancers on stilts in outrageous costumes made their way through the thumping atrium as a sea of muscle-bound men danced their palpitating hearts out. The drug of choice tonight was mdma, but I wasn't going to go very far tonight with this little sleep. True to my vow, I went home at 1, but S continued with my friends and later hit Fabric at 2am, and Orange at 5am. He came home just as I started to wake up at 8am.

Over the next 2 days, though I had work to do, S made it Heaven, to G-A-Y and G-A-Y late, and we had dinner at Beach Blanket Babylon. I haven't partied like that in, literally, years and though it was excessive I was grateful for the random and not-to-be-repeated-for-a-long-time experience. S, be sure to get your ass back here!

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