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Monday, 9 April 2012

In the gleam of the night fantastic

Are you anything like me? If you are, you are night creature.
What is it about the fading sun and the twinkling lights of London that inspires an almost mandatory sense of invincibility. Is it escapism (from the bland weather, from the propriety of an imperial capital or from the harshness of the Europe’s most urbanised city) at its best? Or are we a city a of indulgent hedonists that know no limits?
I am but one of the wayfarers. We can all describe each other pretty accurately – novelty is not part of the formula. We are addicted to the social orgy that is this city. We use this city and it uses us, but to this day I cannot quite ascertain who is winning. Between the clinking glasses in every den of inequity to every eruption of laughter from every player (or marionette?) in this game the plot continues to thicken, but the denouement is déjà vu. 

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